Save Rainbow Jews: Support our Crowdfunder until 15 Oct 2014. Donate NOW!

This is your opportunity to support this truly unique heritage project and ensure its survival.
Why We Need Your Support
Rainbow Jews is a volunteer-led initiative, hosted by the charity Liberal Judaism, and was so far supported generously by the Lottery Heritage Fund; the 2-year one-off grant has now finished. With the current public funding situation we need further aid from other sources to continue our work. We believe in your community spirit – and in Rainbow Jews, and we want to keep making a difference. Now we ask you, our friends and supporters, to help us make this legacy go on.
Please join our crowdfunding campaign on INDIEGOGO (extended until 15 October 2014):
How Will The Money Be Spent? Your donation will help us:
– cover staff costs for a part-time project manager, who will coordinate the volunteers, and continue to promote our key activities, such as:
– getting this wonderful exhibition around the country so that we can further share these amazing stories and experiences, (We have already confirmed Leicester, Birmingham and Liverpool/Homotopia as from 31 August 2014; with more possibilities e.g. Belfast).
– create over 5 events such as launch receptions, film screenings and talks while touring.
– disseminate our education resources, and co-facilitate sessions at school, youth groups etc.
– recording and processing of over 10 new oral histories, especially of Jewish LGBT pioneers in remoter UK regions.
– collecting more memorabilia and fostering our archive collection at LMA.
What Else Can I Do?
Even if you can’t donate, or can only contribute a little, there’s still a lot you can do:
- Help get the Rainbow Jews appeal noticed! Share this campaign everywhere you can!
- Use the built-in Indiegogo share tools to spread this on your social networks.
- Become a long-term supporter! The charity Liberal Judaism is able to take donations directly. Speak to us about possibilities.
A final message from Surat, Rainbow Jews manager:
‘Please donate right now, so we can make sure that our history will not become our past.’