Keshet l’dor v’dor – Rainbow of Pride from Generation to Generation

Project Manager Surat attended the 21st World Conference of GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans) Jews in Winnipeg, Canada:
‘I felt extremely privileged to be given the opportunity to connect with over 100 international delegates and engage in debates on the state of rights of LGBT people worldwide. Notably, I was the only European participant; I happily accepted that I was going to be some kind of European ambassador, and I really hope I did this role justice. This was the first time that the Congress was held in Canada; I was thrilled {…}’
Read Surat’s blog (click here via Rainbow Jews TUMBLR)
Thank you’s:
I appreciate the support I have received from the JHub Micro Grants Programme. Without Liberal Judaism’s generous support and a scholarship from 21st World Conference of GLBT Jews, this trip wouldn’t have been possible.
And, here some great feedback:
“Our international participation at the 2013 board meeting was widened by having Surat Knan representing the Rainbow Jews Project (UK). Surat informed the board in some detail about the progress of that project, and added a great deal to the diversity of opinions, ideas, and interests that makes up the board of directors of the World Congress of GLBT Jews: Keshet Ga’avah. The efforts of Liberal Judaism […] and JHub in supporting Surat’s travel to Winnipeg are much appreciated.” (Jonathan Falk, secretary, WCGLBTJ)
‘You were definitely a breath of fresh air at our conference. Your demeanor, your knowledge and point of view, and most of all – your radiant smile brought life into our Board meetings and Conference in general. Upon finally meeting you we have a person who has oneness […] you provided the conference a unified voice – for which I am very thankful. We succeeded all around! We had unification, spirit, religious flavor, and most of all Simcha at our conference. We made friends for life. Thank you for coming to Winnipeg, Surat!’ ( Arthur Blankstein, Co-Chair, 21st World Conference of GLBT Jews)