Breaking news: STEPHEN FRY saves Rainbow Jews legacy

Stephen Fry tweet 06 oct







‘It really is my pleasure and pride to be able to help.’ 

British icon Stephen Fry has stressed his continued support for the Jewish LGBT community by tweeting endorsement for Rainbow Jews in a bid to save the project from closing down next month.

After having already donated a very generous £500 toward the Crowdfunder SAVE RAINBOW JEWS on Indiegogo, the British actor surprised the team by a another donation of over £1700 just before the closing date, commenting: ‘Hope that helps you over the line x

, not before posting greetings on the RJ crowdfunder comments page:

Rainbow_Jews_Save_our_history,_save_our_legacy_Indiegogo_-_Stephen Fry




Please DONATE now. Final week. closes 15 October 2014.



Thank you, Stephen! We are grateful beyond words.



Donations are still desperately needed: CLICK HERE



